Indigenous Resources

A First Nations family-owned business that sells First Nations, Inuit, and Metis books. They are passionate about education, and sell books for a variety of disciplines, but the link here is specifically for art-related books.

A boxed set that contains 50 full-colour, 8″ x 10″ reproductions of contemporary Indigenous art and a bilingual (English/French) teaching guide, full of ideas on how to use the art cards to animate discussions and inspire activities in all subjects, from kindergarten to grade 12. It is based on the exhibition curated by Lee-Ann Martin, with teaching guide developed by Yvette Cenerini, Lita Fontaine, Dawn Knight and Albert McLeod. The images are by 50 First Nations, Inuit and Métis women artists using diverse media.

The boxed set can be purchased, or it can be downloaded in pdf format for free.

This poster is a list of traditional and contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists, arranged by alphabet. It also provides their Nation(s) and a brief description of their work (medium, genre, etc.).

This BC Ministry of Education resource provides comprehensive guidance to BC educators about how to infuse Aboriginal worldviews and perspectives into today’s classroom. It was created in collaboration with various Aboriginal communities, the First Nations Education Steering Committee, and the Ministry of Education.

This poster was originally created as a classroom resource by the First Nations Education Steering Committee for BC First Peoples classrooms, but the BC First Peoples Principles of Learning are now incorporated into every discipline, at every grade level. It guides educational practice throughout the province of BC.